Saturday, August 4, 2012


These awful sunglasses, and this key, I took with me to the trail today.  

They are symbols of my aggression. 

Usually I take nothing to the trail, but my jogging gear.  

Those of you waiting for the berry's to ripen can probably understand that I've waited, a very long week, to reep what I've sewn on the trail... and it's a beautiful seafair Saturday.

With the bollard in sight, I was so excited to get a look at the trail.

Mother Fucker vitiated the bollard!

The lock is gone, and one of the boats is gone.

That shitty fucking asshole couldn't get through my lock, so he sabotaged the staple.


The bollard was not his to modify and the lock was not his to take... but it is Seafair weekend, after all.

I lost my shit for a second.  I got really pissed.  
I got really, really, really pissed.

Really fucking pissed.

I would never fuck with the guy's house, but I did walk passed the front of it.

He's not even at Seafair!!!!!!!

I'd like to think that sabotaging the bollard took so long that he missed the opportunity to launch his boat at a sensible time.
Maybe it ruined his Seafair, the same way he ruined part of the trail.  

Being that this guy has rendered the middle bollard obsolete, I have planted a fucking palm in its place.  

I think it's really quite lovely.  

Look!  You can still see it all the way over there.

Hi Palm!!!!!

-Neighbor out.

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